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Dichos and Proverbs

Last year, we began sharing dichos, sayings or proverbs, that we grew up hearing in various network meetings. It’s an idea from Zaretta Hammond’s Culturally Responsive Teaching & the Brain that has been intertwined with our need for social-emotional connection with others. Perhaps you might consider sharing one you heard growing up with us?

One that I grew up hearing is that you are powerful and powerless all at the same time. I saw this tweet, and it appealed to me both as a mathematician and for visually representing this saying from my upbringing.

I don’t know exactly what Yoko Ono intended, but after the quarter I’ve experienced, I think this is about being both powerful and powerless all at the same time and finding the balance in that. In this image, there is a reminder that every part of that circle matters - without it, it wouldn’t be a circle. But there are millions of other parts that matter just as equally much.

This tension between powerful and powerless is the same tension between action and inaction, the same tension between panic and comfort.

Hidden somewhere in between each of those is a place where we grow, stretch, and change. A place where collectively we have impact even though individually it might seem too small to note. That’s the place I’m looking for this week.

As you head into this new week, may you find ways out of the panic and comfort zones and into a place of stretch and growth.

And don't forget to share a dicho, proverb or saying in the comments! I appreciate the opportunity to learn about you - noticing the wonderful ways we're similar and different.

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